My rice cooker arrived at my new apartment today, which I bough at a Yahoo auction for a very reasonable price. In Japan rice cookers have many functions now, they cook white rice, brown rice, rice with red beans, make rice gruel and sprouted brown rice. ( the heat settings are different for each type). The trend for rice cookers is to return to the old fireplace style. The rice which is cooked at a fireplace is delicious and apparently it is different from rice cooked on electric heat. Actually this type of pan is really popular now. But electric rice cookers are advanced now and brown the rice as a selection as the OKOGE MODE ( the rice brown mode). We love to eat Okoge. Actually we have Okoge cup noodle. This is browned rice and vegetable soup. Any ways, the high tech digital rice cooker makes old analogue Okoge. ha ha ha
We sometimes mix brown rice into refried beans for Mexican food dishes. It's pretty good!
Posted by: Wolf | Thursday, January 12, 2006 at 06:04 PM
I love Okoge too but the suihanki that I have doesn't come with this new technology:
Zannen desu ne!
I tried to make the Okoge with a nabe before but it was a tricky task.
It's good that the new type of suihanki in Japan now can make this automactically. Very handy!
Posted by: Karen | Monday, July 26, 2004 at 10:25 AM