They say, recently, a very expensive massage and relaxation machine has become a big seller. Look at that! It has a massaging "hand" and will stretch your knee and leg automatically! Massage machines were popular about 30 to 40 years before, but at that time it was a sort of a symbol of being a little rich. This time around many people need this for relaxation for themselves. A stressed and overworked society makes people need to heal themselves.
Well, if I had more rooms in my apartment and could make a relaxation room, I think I would consider one. But I don't want to see this always in my living room or bed room! It is too big and most of all, at a glance, it looks like a "holding machine" or "a chair in dentist" ! I think using it would be heaven, but looking at it would be an offense to the eye. Don't you think so? Massage machines, traditionally, always have this problem of not looking nice, but working quite well... So I have to come to a conclusion, I should have a relaxation room.
I am all about relaxing.
I put on some jazz or blues music. I get myself a cold bottle of beer or a glass of Jack and Coke. I sit back on my couch and put my feet up and enjoy nights from work off.
Posted by: Wolf | Thursday, January 12, 2006 at 06:08 PM