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Thursday, August 26, 2004


Puma Ducati

True to size. Back strap is fairly adjustable. The shoes are more streamlined and less clunky than other MBT's that I've owned and so seem to go with more things. They feel good. I quite like them!

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I had a Henckels nail clipper, it's a classic design. But it was so sharp, I always clipped my nails too short.

I have Henckels kitchen knives, they're well designed but hard to sharpen. Fortunately I am good at knife sharpening. My Henckels 9 inch butcher knife actually broke in half while I was cutting some tough food, about 6 inches of the point went flying through the air and fell on the floor, it could have stabbed me right through the foot. Henckels has a lifetime guarantee so I took it back to the shop and they gave me a brand new knife.

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