When I was junior and senior, I stayed at London and went around Europe during winter holiday. Since these were inexpensive trips, having little money, my small mementos of the trips were mostly all free stuff.
In Liverpool, there was a dried leaf I picked up at the Strawberry Gate fields. In Barcelona, there was a piece of La Sagrada Familia, that I picked up near a guy engraving something on wall. In Venice, there was small colored papers which I picked in the famous Mask carnival. These things are still very precious treasures for me.
By the way, I really enjoyed Roma, the food was great, the people were kind and I cannot forget the strong emotions I had when I saw Vatican Palace the first time. Of course, I went to see the Mouth of Truth and so did Gregory Peck.
Recently Pizza-la made a funny commercial, the Mouth of Truth visits Japan and is homesick and misses his Roma. Very pretty and funny. Check it out! *