I am working on entertainment sites that have internet mobile phone content. We have many services, one of these is a ring tone service. We also follow trends; check hit rankings, new relasees, latest movies, TV drama's, CM, Events, etc,. everyday to keep current.
Nissan always makes good CM for thier 4DW X-trail. They used I Fought the Law by the Clash. It has become a very popular CM and our ring tone was downloaded many times. They renewed the CM recently (click join us page), this time they used The Broken Bones by MxPx. Of course, we created the ring tone for The Broken Bones.
When we create these types of ring tones, we have to check copyright issues. Yes, copyright issue's are always tough and troublesome for us in Japan JASRAC (Japanese Society of Rights of Authors, Composers and Pulishers ) is a non-profit organization providing musical copyright administration in Japan. In this case the copyright status is NG; we cannot create a ring tone. Since ring tone services can generate a big income for artists in Japan, we hardly find a NG status. Also, some of the major foreign artists do not allow interactive download use, for example, U2, ABBA, Dire Straits will not allow creation of ring tones. If you hear Dancing Queen as a ring tone in Japan, it is pirated :-(