Sharp release new product.
Electric Superheated Steam Oven featuring a newly developed Superheated Steam Generator that bathes food in a spray of superheated steam*1 to provide low-calorie cooking as well as removing fat and salt from foods. This will make Low-Calorie Cooking! Low-Salt Cooking! Low-Oxygen Cooking!
Great isn't it?!
My dad has a cholesterol problem, especially in his heart. So this spring he had a operation to enlarge his blood vessel. My mom cooks with less oil and salt for my dad now. So when I visit my parents home, I bring this type oil (JP) which work to reduce the level of cholesterol. However when this oven release! I will get this for them soon.
By the way My Dad does not eat much, he keps really nice shape, slim, had never had serious sickness, and most of all he loves walking! So why he had to have such operation?! He did not drink water when he was walking and also he did not drink tea or coffee at home too. Healthy walking may cause of your serious sickness wihtout water. ! Water is very important for body. *
I want a Flashbake Oven. Cooks with 15,000 watts of light, from halogen strobe flashes like on a camera flash but REALLY high powered. They say you can bake a pizza in 90 seconds.
Posted by: Charles | Thursday, August 26, 2004 at 02:16 PM
Hi Mari,
I'm back, I'm back!!!
Survived after my Japanese class!
Wow, I'd love to have one of those steam ovens. Sounds too perfect to be true!
Too bad that it's only available in Japan now. I'll definitely pick one up next time I come to Japan!
Posted by: Karen | Wednesday, August 25, 2004 at 03:03 PM