This is the strongest alarm system in Japan! they say. OKOSHITARO!. This machine is sold in Ekinet, an online web shopping site of JR East(Japan railway). Yes this is used for railway guards, drivers, who can never over sleep usually. But they say over 100 of these
machines have now been sold. This is a movie how it works (WMV). hmm. Are they sure? is this strongest one as alarm? The machine fills air in the bag with air, and makes his back go up and down. Hmm It looks like comfortable like a cradle to me.
By the way "OKOSHI" means wake up, "TARO" is authentic, traditonal Japanese name, (Sean Lennon has this in his Middle name). You know HamTaro maybe. When we make catchy name for products, TARO is attached in the end. So the name sounds like a guy's name.
For example.
Sushi taro (sushi + Taro) sushi seasoning.
Mimi Taro(ear + Taro) acouophone.
Ken Taro (test +Taro) metal tester.
Tonyu Taro(bean milk + Taro) Bean milk maker.
Ippatsu Oki Taro (big + wake up + Taro) Super caffeine drink. Ah endless!
Which Taro, do you want to try? :-)
I'll try the HamTaro with cheese maybe some lettuce. It sounds I mean OISHI! Thank you for including the link to the railway (very clever) I needed to look up getting a this is excellent timing. I like the pictures.. that guy must be a very good actor to look comfortable on that.. it reminds me a little bit of snoopy sleeping on his doghouse. You know.. I like the Taro, that I think about it..a little slimy for a potato, but it makes excellent ice cream. :D
Posted by: robert | Wednesday, November 17, 2004 at 10:58 AM