NEW YEAR EVE!! How do you spend the last day of a year? In Japan, some people will be busy in a preparation for new year even now. Some will finish them (or give up on them). Some will be on the way to parent homes or Hometown, Some will be go abroad. On the night of the 31st night we have a custom to eat Japanese noodle soba to wish for our long life.
Then I will watch K1 and Pride tonight of course!! But many people watch 紅白歌合戦=Kohaku Utagassen(annual NHK sponsored year-end men versus women singing contest). Sounds crazy maybe, usually this TV program can get around 50% of TV view rating, but I suppose they cannot make it this year.NHK tried to invite Bae Yong Jung(Yong Sama!--his site close temporary because his site got a attack.) as international guest, because they aired Winter Sonata. But they were refused. Ah! I remember a few years ago Sarah Brightman sang as a guest. Then SMAP will not appear in this year, because they did not release any new songs. Then a funny part of this, every year Kohaku Utagassen makes ENKA singer Sachiko Kobayashi and Kenichi Mikawa have a famous super crazy fashion battle with a Shiny PIKA PIKA dress, like this, this, this. Ha they look like a little mountain recently. Actually I was surprised to know DVD recorded their dress part only was released. But this year Sachiko Kobayashi announced she would wear only a black Kimono, because she came from Nigata and feels sorry for thos affected by the Chuetsu earthquake, so she will save the super crazy fashion for next . OK so it will be a good idea to save electricity too. How do you think?
By they way Tonight, before K1 and Pride, I will go to listen to the Symphony. Hiroyuki Iwaki and NHK orchestra will play Beethoven's symphonic numbers from 1st to ninth. Yes Big concert it is. Hmm it will be a busy day today.
I hope you will close the 2004 nicely. Have a nice New year's eve.
likewise! happy new year from Seattle! wishing for a year of hope, peace, and prosperity!
Posted by: robert | Saturday, January 01, 2005 at 01:36 AM
Mari, happy new year! And I hope you enjoy the symphony!
Posted by: david | Saturday, January 01, 2005 at 12:02 AM
Hello Mari and all readers! Greetings from NYC! I enjoy reading this site every morning and though I've never written before, I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year! Have a fun time!
Posted by: Iris | Friday, December 31, 2004 at 07:13 PM