Recently,they say soybeans are good for women, I watech CBS news talking about soybean topic and there are many web site about soybean!. It is very nice to hear because we use soybeans for various kinds of Japanese dishes. We Japanese call soybeans as Beef of the field. Let me explain a little about soybeans.
Ingredient and good effects for your body
soybean isoflavone
Estrogen is the female hormone which brings women mestruation feminine body lines and beautiful skin. Soybean isoflavone has very similar chemical construction to estrogen. They believe soybean isoflavone works like estrogen in our body. When we loose female hormones, we have a menopausal disorder, osteoporosis, high blood pressure and high blood serum cholesterol. Then we need to make up reduction of female hormones with soybeans.
Soybean saponin
Soybean saponin controls producing excessive lipids, and prevents sclerosis of the arteries and hyper lipemia. Also it prevents hepatic toxicity, controls stock of glucose and is effective in preventing obesity.
Others effective for beautiful and whitening skin, good for preventing breast cancer and prostatic cancer.
You may know about excellence of Soybean food here.
Soybean products in Japan
I just dip them with Chinese dressing or Koream spicy miso. You may see how to make tofu on streaming video here
It sounds very healthy to put Tofu in Miso soup and wakame which has no calorie.
Okara=Bean curd refuse
I love it! This is the rest when they make Tofu with soybean. I boil it with vegetables.
Koyadofu=Freeze-dried bean curd
This is dried Tofu. I boid it with a lot of soup.
Kinako=Soybean flour
I mix it with some sugar and dip with Mochi(rice cake). This is very healthy snack.
tofu is made from soymilk. In other words, liquid soybeans which is before firmed as Tofu. I only hate this in all soybean products.
Abura-age=deep-fried been curd/ Atsu-age=deep-fried tofu
Deep fried tofu is usually served with soy sauce based brown sauce. I like to eat this simply wiht soy sauce and grated ginger.
In this world, only Natto is the food which can melt the blocked blood vessel. Natto is called the perfect food in nourition. However for foreign people, it would be hard to eat,. So you may try this in suppliment of Nattokinase. Anyway we use Natto for noodle, and sushi (Natto maki), Natto Pasta!!(JP). You will try it?
Easy way to have soybeans
[Toasted rice ball]
Put some Haccho Miso on rice ball, and toast till get brown. It is tasy and smells good to burn Haccho Miso a bit. You may see how to cook here (JP) in visual.
[Vinegared soybeans]
You won't think it is tasty till get used to it.
(1) Wash soybeans quickly and roast them on a pan or in the oven with low
(2) Pour in a container just enough real pure rice vinegar Kibuki to cover
and seal them off.
(3) If you cansee soybeans over the vinegar after few days, pour more
(4) It is good time to eat after a week. Put some honey according to your taste.
If you want to try more soybean recepis, House Co,.ltd has good web site. As Japanese food recepi site, I reccomand this, Yasuko san's Home Cooking most!!.
here is another Japanese recepi sites.
Black moon | Yagotta Have It | Taste Of Zen | Bob and Angie | Japanese Mom's table | Recepi Source | Tsuji Academy | Japanese cooking | Japanese restraunt navi | Eat Japan | Asian recepi | bite of Japan
I love beans. Not only soybeans, I love all kinds of beans. Lentil or galcanso bean are not common in Japan. Popular beans in Japan are soybeans, Edamame, big broad bean and red beans. I eat Natto everyday, and make vinegared soybeans once in a while.I heard both of them are good for diet, but I think it would be hard to loose your weight with them. Ofcourse it depends on you, but I never loose any weight for myself. IHaving these type of healthy food in your life makes you think more about your body and what you eat. I realized if you keep eating healthy food, your body will be very sensitive for the food that is now good for you. Anyway soybean will work for hair remove, this is the soybean milk remover lotion. Interesting.