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Saturday, December 11, 2004


Prof. W

Thank you for this post. My wife is from Osaka and I travel there a few weeks every year. I'm always fascinated by the subtle differences between Japan's regions, but am not familiar with Japanese culture enough to notice it without someone pointing it out to me. I've never spent much time in Tokyo, but from my time spent in Osaka, I'm quite sure all of Japan is an absolutely amazing, beautiful place. Such wonderful people and such a fantastic culture.

ECL @ Hagiyama

Thanks for sharing your blog about the differences between Osaka and Tokyo. This was a subject at our English lessons. I will recommend your blog for others to read.


No, the soup is NOT black in color. The author of this must have a problem with translation.


No, it is NOT black! The author must have problem in translating.


wow I feel I have an osaka mentality lol

 Cheap Supra Skytop

What is rich and poor, what is the second generation in life, as long as one should do something, brave, a person should simply happy life, don't consider so much, let oneself so trouble!

iphone clone

then Tokyo has black color soup.

benn (lived in nagoya)

If you go to this link, it lists the number of McDonald's locations by country, and I think there are quite a few more in the USA than Japan...

benn (lived in nagoya)

wait... is that true about there being more Macdonald's in Japan than in the USA? I've never heard that before...

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