As the end of the year draws nearer I feel as if I am writing about nothing but 2004 rankings everyday. Ha ha ha. Today's 2004 ranking’s are for TV commercials. CM DATABANK has released a popularity ranking of on-screen talent who appear in TV commercials.
Women’s Rankings.
No.1 Aya Matsuura, No.2 Nanako Matsushima, No.3 Aya Ueto.
I've introduced Aya Matsuura a few times before. She appears in Pocky and Plitz commercials for Glico, as well as ads for SkyperfecTV, Epson’s Colorio printer, KIRIN’s Gogo tea, and Shiseido's Super Mild Shampoo and SkyperfecTV. Nanako Matsushima appears in ads for Manacha bottled Green Tea by KIRIN, and Sumitomo Life Insurance of . Aya Ueto appears in Oronamin C and Sonpoj Panda ads for Sonpo Japan, and for Yahoo Japan’s YahooBB. Actually I've introduce each of them before at one time or another - Pocky post, Stuffed animal TVCM post, Grean Tea post.
Men’s Rankings. No.1 Takuya Kimura (of Smap). No.2 Shougo Shimizu, No.3 Masahiro Nakai (of Smap). Unfortunately all links regarding Shougo Shimizu in the AIFUL commercial with Qoo-chan are dead. I don't know why. So because of SMAP’s strict copyright policy, I cannot introduce any of the guy's CM’s. Nothing fun, so what I can offer instead are links to google search results for Kimura Takuya and Smap. You will be able to see for yourself how few of SMAP's photos have been able to survive in cyber space. At any rate, while I was looking for some good SMAP topics I found this great site about Japan: hmmn: musings from the far east(erwood).
Why does Ai Katou not listed? When she appear on one of keitai commercial break year ago, I was stunned. Really.
Posted by: shun | Monday, December 20, 2004 at 10:15 PM