I 've introduce very a thin building and this usuless building called Thomason in Tokyo. Then today I will introduce one, which I think is the most ugly building in Tokyo.
Here it is, this building is the Hinomaru car driving school. This place is very close to my work, and every morning I have to see it from Yamanote line. Hinomaru means our national flag, but then why is the building is black?. For me it looks like Umaboshi or a blotch. Look from the side, another side, so shiney and Google earth. Whererever you look, it is just ugly. I think people living in the area would claim differently. But to me it seems a blot on the cityscape. The funny part is sometimes this round blotch is used for advertising. Look, this is the promotion of the movie, hmm this seemes much beeter than red blotch for me.
Hi There
Dali, you mean this?
Posted by: Mari | Friday, March 03, 2006 at 02:38 PM
whoa whoa whoa, no no
that building is not ugly!
i like it.
(by the way, has anybody ever seen that red ladybug sculpture statue in tokyo? i saw a picture of it, but i'm not sure i wasn't dreaming.)
Posted by: I am Dali | Friday, March 03, 2006 at 02:21 PM
ahhh..like the Asahi "Golden Turd", er flame..like those unfortunate Olympics uniforms, like so many episodes of Pink Lady and Jeff..it is the kind of thing that gives us gaijin hope. For you see, were it not for such Umeboshi buildings, it would appear that the Japanese were a perfect society in every way, and therefore machine-like..now, with these minutes cracks in the facade..we see: "Human afterall" so, yes, it stands out like a sore thumb ( I have two right now..damn Katamari Damacy)but it is a celebration of Japans place in the human world! I say Hurrah! Shine on red blotch, umeboshi of my dreams!..and K.. I LOVE that building!!..but then I'm oyaji..what do I know afterall...
Speaking of which: I really screwed up in Oyaji school today. The teacher was giving us the finer points of karaoke and I broke into a Modest Mouse tune..which got me a stern look and a disapproving nod from sensei, but worse than that I was making fun of sensei behind his back for having so much hair coming out of his ears..then I realized I was the only one who thought it was funny..nobody sat with me at lunch. I hope I didn't make them too mad.(.___.)
Posted by: robert | Wednesday, February 02, 2005 at 01:57 AM
Mari, try this one for an ugly building collection:
it's near my office (and so I see it every day unfortunately) and its truly, truly ugly!
Posted by: K | Tuesday, February 01, 2005 at 08:07 PM
that is a pretty funky looking building. those pictures are cool, did you take them? I guess that would become somewhat of an eyesore if you had to pass by it everyday on your way to work.
Posted by: orange | Tuesday, February 01, 2005 at 07:52 AM