Do you know KOGO? It is a small incense box, which we use in our Japanese tea ceremony. As a symbol of hospitality, KOGO is set on Tokonoma so the guests can enjoy the Host's choice of KOGO and incense. Japnese love green tea but usually most people hardly ever have a tea ceremony. Actually the tea ceremony is a sort of lesson, like piano or tennis school. I have not experienced an authentic tea ceremony, but I love to see KOGO. Now Odaky Gallary in Shinjuiku has "The Beatuy of KOGO" exhibition ( this collection has come from Canada?!), I will visit it before it is over.
KOGOs come in various shapes and materials, Bird, Seed, Egg plant, Pattern. I like this type, it's simple and beautiful glazed wood. In foreign countries, KOGO seems to be a sort of collecters item.
I have one KOGO. I like this because of its natual, inoccent face and most of all it looks like Kurimanjyu. :-) Yummy!! Anyway KOGO is also good for an earring case actually. It can be a nice gift for women.
thanks for sharing about KOGO! i agree with robert, the details in so many aspects of japanese culture are just incredible. maybe similar to HASHIOKI, WAGASHI, OCHADO, BONZAI, wearing KIMONO, KAISEKI meals?? sigh...
not sure if i agree with KOGO being a secret code for kissing OYAJIs though. haha. :)
Posted by: gyozagirl | Saturday, January 22, 2005 at 05:13 AM
it's the details... Wow. See? I love this aspect of Japanese Culture! Something commonplace is given a polished aspect, it enhances the entire event. Little things which we take for granted everyday, could be the same. Maybe Kogo is a metaphor for life.
or maybe.....
it's secret code for "Kiss One Good Oyaji"....maybe.
I think so.
do you trust me?<3 <(^0^)>
Posted by: robert | Thursday, January 20, 2005 at 03:16 AM