Today is very cold, then tomorrow will be snow in Tokyo. It is the season of college entrance tests, I remember it was snowing on the day when I got it in so long time ago. :-)
I did not know Tokyo metropolitan office has such a good site "Tokyo Tourism info". I wrote about Onsens before in magazine part, and now you can check out Oedo Onsen place by video. Well Well Well as a eddoko, Tokyo woman, This place seems a little bit fake, just a kind of amusement park. I prefer a real onsen place. By the way this site has good a video tour with much information about Japan. So please check it out.
By the way it is Saturday night, and I am at my homoe now enjoying a drink, it is a cocktail, Kahlua , Bourbon and milk. I am not sure this has a name already? or can I say this is my original? Please let me know.
Well, Kalhua and milk is called "White Russian" -- so perhaps you can say it's a White Russian with Bourbon added. ;-) Nice to find your blog!
Posted by: Jonny Angel | Monday, January 17, 2005 at 01:25 AM
in professional bartending circles I believe that drink is called the "Mari-san's Tokyo Special"...I'll have to check my Mr Boston handbook ( these are distributed to all rookie Oyaji during the training period)there is something similar called a Brown Cow..but it doesn't contain Bourbon..perhaps you have a "Kicking Brown Cow" on your hands?...why am I remembering an old riddle.."what has one eye, one horn and gives milk?" a milk truck! oh yes.. I feel those Oyaji genes working their all makes sense now. I shudder to think of the types of rides they might have at an Onsen Amusement Park, it's always funny until someone gets high centered. then it's hilarious!
Posted by: robert | Sunday, January 16, 2005 at 03:01 AM