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Monday, February 21, 2005


bmjgdtey pemzrowsk

cndiohw gcpjruzoh nbrfoud qdrhniu ugden aotvdjsm dnqlovtw

Jesse C.

Awsome costume, did you buy it, do the have male versions of this assult battle suit? If you did and they do then please send me the website for purchase, [email protected] thanx, big help.


Hi Abraxis
Unfortunately second gig is not so cool like first one. I do not like the face of Motoko of Second gig. You may check it by yourself of course.

Hi Andy
Thank you, picture of Harry was wrong. I changed it!!


Hrm. Actually, that's General Talan from Yamato. he was Desslar's first officer.

Desslar is blonde (!) with a lighter color uniform.

Desslar soto, banzai!


Hey, that's a great Major Kusanagi!

We get Stand Alone Complex here on Cartoon Network. I hope we get 2nd Gig when the first series ends. We are about 1/2 way through the series.

Andrea Raviglione

no costumes from Mononoke-hime??? what a pity!!!
nausica and harry potter give the same pic btw..

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