I always feel it is hard to find good short movies on the Internet. I've complained about it in this post too. Am I too severe about this? Of course I am not expecting Hollywood quality production for each movie, but thinking about some of the high quality web design and flash work like this, this, this, I cannot be satisfied with most of these movies. Simply they are boring. What do you think?
This site introduces some short films from around the world. Please go to menu and read their ubiquitous stories, and then view the stories. Each movie is very short, and they are not so bad to me.
By the way, TBS(Tokyo Broadcasting System,Inc.) will host DigiCon6. This is the film from last year's winner'. The quality of animation is high, but the story is boring. :-p On this page, you can check out some of other winners. Fun? For me, not at all. The best film winner gets 500,000yen. Not so Bad. Here is another film festival; this Con-can offers $10,000 to the winner. Pretty good. If you like to make short movies, you could have a chance of winning. Please challenge them!
In those same links you will find the 2008 and 2009 shorts too!!
Posted by: Florida Certified Public Accountants | Sunday, February 13, 2011 at 08:50 AM
Thx Mari for leaving a msg on this at my blog. I followed the link to the Jap website with trailers and photos on this movie. I still find it too scary for my liking. (shudders)
Posted by: Huang | Thursday, May 19, 2005 at 07:27 PM
Hi Huang
no no no memories of murder is suspense movie.
this http://www.cqn.co.jp/mom/
This was the real murder happened in 80s in South Korea right?
Posted by: Mari | Wednesday, May 18, 2005 at 01:17 AM
Is "memories of murder" a horror movie ?
I don't watch that genre of films.
Posted by: huang | Monday, May 09, 2005 at 12:11 PM
Hi huang
Thank you, now I am checking some. Speaking of the movie. I think Korean movie is very nice. Did I tell you I was impressed so much to see memories of murder. It was great movie.
Posted by: Mari | Saturday, May 07, 2005 at 08:48 AM
Sorry, in my haste I didn't realise that news article didn't give the URL, which I managed to locate.
It is http://www.senef.net/eng/
Posted by: huang | Tuesday, May 03, 2005 at 01:42 PM
Check out the Seoul Net Film Festival (SENEF)
at http://english.kbs.co.kr/mcontents/culture/1350563_11676.html
I just read about this minutes ago.
Posted by: huang | Tuesday, May 03, 2005 at 01:24 PM