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Thursday, April 28, 2005


Florida Certified Public Accountants

In those same links you will find the 2008 and 2009 shorts too!!


Thx Mari for leaving a msg on this at my blog. I followed the link to the Jap website with trailers and photos on this movie. I still find it too scary for my liking. (shudders)


Hi Huang
no no no memories of murder is suspense movie.
this http://www.cqn.co.jp/mom/
This was the real murder happened in 80s in South Korea right?


Is "memories of murder" a horror movie ?
I don't watch that genre of films.


Hi huang
Thank you, now I am checking some. Speaking of the movie. I think Korean movie is very nice. Did I tell you I was impressed so much to see memories of murder. It was great movie.


Sorry, in my haste I didn't realise that news article didn't give the URL, which I managed to locate.

It is http://www.senef.net/eng/


Check out the Seoul Net Film Festival (SENEF)
at http://english.kbs.co.kr/mcontents/culture/1350563_11676.html

I just read about this minutes ago.

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