My two co-workers say they never miss playing Katamari Damacy at home after work. I can understand this very well because the Prince (a typical Tohoho chara! ) has a healing power. Then next month, a new Tohoho character game will be released. Although many game sites have already talked about it, I want to introduce it here as well because it is very pretty.
The game is called "Chibi- Robo". Chibi is a casual of saying "small" ,"Tiny". Actually it is one of the common dog name in Japan. This is Japanese the official page. The game is a mini cute household robot simulation game. You need to control Chibi ( 10cm = 3 inches tall) to do house keeping. Polish the floor, feed a biscuit to the goldfish, and cheer up family members! When he does something good, or useful, his happy points go up. He tries to gain points in order to be a No1 Chibi Robo champion!
Ha! Pikmin, Katamari Damacy and this Chibi Robo. Why do Japanese like to play there small Tohoho character's service?. Of course it is preferable to those violent figthing, and war games. But I suppose this a kind of craving for such unconditional love and healing, or maybe it's a deeper sadistic desire for control?? ha ha ha
Katamari Damacy shows Japanese citizens and a Japanese world, but this Chibi Robo is liveing in a foreign place. Chibi Robo's owners are the Sandersons. The dad tends to be lazy when it comes to work, the mom is stressed about him, and their daughter seems to have some problem too, she only talks in only frog's language. Just reading only this setting, I have to feel sympathy for poor little Chibi Robo. A funny part is the way he totes around a plug, which he'll periodically use to plug himself into an outlet to rejuice himself.
Here are some screenshots, and this page has movies. You are supposed to be able to download a desktop tool with Chibi Robo. but now it seems to be down now. Yes today Yahoo entertainment news released a story featrring this game's HP, maybe it is busy. Please try it later. Anyway in Japan it will be is released on June 23rd, the international version will be released on November 15th.
can you explain what Tohoho is? thanks!
Posted by: yi | Tuesday, September 20, 2005 at 01:56 PM