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Thursday, September 29, 2005



I too am enjoying reading your blog. Thank you for posting about so many interesting aspects of Japanese culture, society, and your views!


Hi there

I love writing. I have just started Japanese version. But no need to check it out. :-)

Eugene Park


I enjoy reading your blog-- I have a website http://cityfeeds.com where I track toyko blogs. Can you recommend some good new blogs? We have an add form here:



Wow Johan!!
That is good idea, I will change. Thanks!!




By the way, Mari, I would translate "Koshitu no Tamamono" as:

"The fruit of my persistence"


Didn't know you had a Japanese blog, too. I will check it out. Although I have trouble reading Japanese blogs because often the language is so casual and doesn't always make grammatical sense to a poor foreigner!

I also blog during my lunch hour... Actually, sometimes I even blog during my working day because I get an idea for something to write, and if I don't write it down immediately, I'm afraid I'll forget...

Julian Morrison

Now it might make a little sense, although google translate is a bit imprecise.

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