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Friday, November 11, 2005


P90x Workout Schedule

i like it!!!!


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It was a great pleasure for me to visit and enjoy your site. Keep it running!


It was a great pleasure for me to visit and enjoy your site. Keep it running!


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. How about you? ;)


I have not understood your message.


It was a great pleasure for me to visit and enjoy your site. Keep it running!


un peu court mais pas mal du tout


Hi Mari, I agree, most translation programs aren't very good. However, as I understand the Talkman can translate 3000 fixed phrases only. That's a much easier problem than having to translate a random text.
Nice idea, but I don't think it'll take off (maybe). I like that (maybe).


Hi There
Yes that PSP looks very nice. However I am suspicious its transration ability. Because transtrating programs on the internet are so suck. Do you think only alkman is improved much more than them? I can't think so.

Claire (クレア)

The bathroom and bar CM were pretty funny to me.

Here in the US, there is a lot of controversy about the "rootkit" software Sony BMG music has put on music discs. If you try to remove this software, your PC's CD drive becomes unusable.

This Sony software is now a tool for virus writers and others to infect PCs. After only a couple of days of negative publicity, Sony has said they will "temporarily stop" using this software that damages computers. However, they have not offered to replace the defective music discs.

Many people are offended by this and have said they will no longer buy Sony products. I was thinking of buying a PS2 to play Katamari Damarcy, but now I will not do so. I will not support a company that considers its customers thieves.




Ha! I saw there on the subway today. The one with the man trying to find a good restaurant is hilarious. I think I will start wearing my tie on my head more often. Especially when I have just met someone who uses playstation to ask me questions. Undeniably brilliant ad campaign.


Mari, I had to share this funny video link with you... http://www.milkandcookies.com/links/38044/


that thing is very impressive



Those commercials were very amusing, thank you for posting them!

That seems like a very useful software for the PSP; I hope it makes it overseas...

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