This sounds like a joke to me.
To destroy evidence of speeding, some people "eat" the speeding ticket, it has happened several times--ten cases in a year. It is increasing yearly with the spiraling cost of fines. I remember we had a famous TV ad before made by the Osaka Prefectural Government. A middle aged man is getting a parking ticket from a policeman. But he eats the ticket in order to get out of paying it. That TV ad was made with mordant sarcasm to stop illegal parking. (Osaka always entertains me, please check these posts too: Difference between Osaka and Tokyo, Osaka is angry now, Ore Ore fraud.)
I've checked the price of fines. For speeding, you have to pay at least 50,000 yen, at most 100,000 yen. In Japan, driving while intoxicated is a serious violation. Irrespective of the amount of alcohol, you have to pay 200,000-300,000 yen. I won't eat a ticket, but it is actually very expensive. Of course even though he/she swallows it, their speeding record is not deleted. However, it does makes proceeding cumbersome and complicated, so police in the field have requested some preventative measure for ticket swallowing.
Then Japan National Police Agency decided to give taste to speeding tickets. The taste will be "poison slime," "dog's slobber," and "muddy water." If someone tries to swallow one, he will have to bring it up because it tastes toooo bad.
Well Okay. Sounds good. But who knows what the flavor of these things really are? Have they tasted them before? Maybe they use the same ingredients of those three, but does it means they have the same taste? I have never heard of "poison slime" have you?
I wonder how the people eat the speeding cut.Fine for speeding up in japan is very high.I hope human rights are there.
Posted by: car accident solicitor | Monday, November 08, 2010 at 02:51 PM
Am shocked by this! and here i was thinking the fines in the UK were bad-wow!
Posted by: car accident claim liverpool | Tuesday, October 05, 2010 at 11:08 PM
this cannot be true?! surely there are all kinds of human rights issues related to it?
Posted by: traffic offence solicitor | Tuesday, October 05, 2010 at 11:06 PM
This blog is a complete FAKE!
The blogger has copied the information about the ticket tastes from ANOTHER SITE!
Posted by: Bob the Builder | Wednesday, October 04, 2006 at 01:39 AM
I wonder if people will go speeding, to collect all the favours. "I'll trade you ten poison slimes for that cigarette and beer vomit" "no way, it's rare, I won't take less than a dog slobber and two sick monkeys".
Posted by: Julian Morrison | Thursday, December 01, 2005 at 07:22 AM
Ah, but the water of which pond? A clean pond or a polluted one? Wouldn't "poison slime" be similar to "pond water" from a polluted pond? Maybe they need more flavors.
Posted by: Esther | Tuesday, November 29, 2005 at 06:45 AM
Hi There
I think the tickets will be used all over Japan, not only Osaka. Do you want to try?
For me bad smell is harder than bad taste.
Posted by: Mari | Monday, November 28, 2005 at 02:23 PM
We in Osaka, or rather I used to be, love ourselves, and sorry but we find Tokyo people to be a little too full of themselves for our taste. You need to laugh more and yell at the policeman when he gives you a bullshit ticket.
Posted by: Jedicraft | Friday, November 25, 2005 at 01:09 PM
lol... They should make tickets like they do here in San Francisco. The tickets here are printed out on paper that is unrippable by hand. I guess they wouldn't be edible either.
Posted by: Chris | Friday, November 25, 2005 at 11:02 AM
But why must they go to the extent of eating the tickets to remove the evidence (even more so when their speeding records still exist)? Can't they just burn it or hide it somewhere?
Posted by: Wan Zafran | Friday, November 25, 2005 at 12:57 AM