Funny foreign car TV ads. I like this one, and I wonder if this was okay? Animal protection activists did not complain to Opel?
By the way, I went to the dentist before work, I have to cover some teeth with white crowns". Guess what! the doctor said one crown costs 80,000yen! Because the white ceramic crown isn't covered by insurance. Bye bye my bonus...orz, but it's my fault. I will pay. I have to say I spent pretty good money for my teeth already. The doctor said my teeth are small and thin, that would be the big reason. Do you know WHO recommends adding fluorine to running water to prevent bad teeth? The U.S. and 60 other countries have it in the water, but Japan doesn't. Just a few years ago, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare permitted its use, but I heard fluorine is still not included into water in Japan. People discuss the safeness of water.
Well at least I am in a little bit of a bad mood :-) because of my teeth, so I tried to cheer myself up with one of my favorite sites". It's one 2channeler's blog. (my 2ch post). This week I like this post "I am Winnie the pooh, I will go shopping now." Pooh asked us, "Do you have some requests?" Everybody wrote what they wanted. Some said "Pointing to a meat bun then saying" -give me Piglet-". Some said "Get a Mickey Mouse and cut it into thin strips. Then shout -If you were not here-", like that. Then Pooh went shopping and updated photos in real time, readers wondered if pooh would be caught by guards. Actually we have had such a stupid story before. But fortunately Pooh could finish his shopping without problem. Well you know such ridiculous, nonsense stuff heals us. right?
Since last week, I've been "off-whack" :-) I should get overhauled.