PEPSI has started another Star Wars bottle cap campaign. But guess what! I don't need to drink a lot anymore and I don't need to buy a great deal of box es to collect all the caps. Here's why ! The small bag containing the bonus is a transparent one, we can see what is attached to the bottle. Actually PEPSI (more properly, SUNTRY, it s representative in Japan) started to use th e transparent bag last August since the Gundam campaign.
Th e y're using the new bags be cause the Japan Fair Trade Commission issued a warning to Osaka-based "Pepsi Twist" manufacturer and retailer Suntry for possible violations of "truth-in-advertising" laws. Here is an article about it. We call truth-in-advertising "KEIHIN HYOUJI HO" in Japanese, it's a slightly confusing law.
I must say PEPSI bottle cap s heated us up last time, we tried to find out what was inside the bag by touching it. I t was called mo-pai technique. It comes from mah-jongg. Some mah-jongg players try to determine what tile it is by touch alone whenever they pick one. Some bought several boxes of PEPSI, but it took time and money and even so came to nothing. On the Internet, we trade cap s at inflated prices. Look at this, a stage and complete bottle cap set (60 bottle caps) were sold for around 130,000yen or so. It's crazy, a PEPSI costs less than 150yen usually.
JFC says that a hidden PEPSI bottle cap isn't a "free bonus gift", it is almost "prize promotion". The allowable maximum limitation between "free bonus gift" and "prize promotion" is different. The prize promotion should be valued at less than 2% of the value of the product they are included with.
We have had this kind of craz e about "BIKKURI MAN Chocolate" before. Kids were crazy to collect seals included inside this cheap chocolate (it was 30yen, now it is 60yen). Finally it became a social issue. Look, now old seals are sold as collector's items. A free gift seal inside 30yen chocolate is 3500yen now.
By the way, I wonder if Shokugan is okay acco r ding to the law? We don't know which toy is included in "choco egg" or such chocolate and other sweets. Actually people discussed it and some were worried Shokugan would fade away. But I read that Shokugan is a product consisting of sweets & a figure. Yes , yes , we don't get figures only when they have a campaign. So Shokugan is not a case of "truth-in-advertising. " But unfortunately, I read another sad rumor:KAIYODO won't make bottle cap figures anymore. Even on bottle caps, the quality of their products seem to be nicer than others. I hope they won't leave the Shokugan market in the future?!