I like this site! He collects some "funny" parts of the foreign Japan guide. Have you ever read such a guide for Japan or do you think they could be possible?
I can say I agree with these.
How to order "Nikujyaga" : this is Nikujyaga.
The giant cartoon mouse : I wrote many times, we are addicted to characters. Everything has characters. So that, that cat is such a big celebrity in this country.
The Ukai : This is Ukai. I have never seen it.
Uses Chopsticks : How to use Chopsticks
Driving a car : Highway means long parking in Tokyo.
Karaoke : we have so many foreign songs, maybe more than you suppose.
I tell you I disagree with these, don't believe it! But they are funny.
Natto : No, Natto is a perfect food. We have a Natto restaurant. It help s you a lot... Hmm I wrote about it many times.
Japanese Bath : I love bath. I take it one hour.
Bowing : This is proper bowing manners.
Food : This is a nice food guide blog. Photos are so beautiful.
Here is more. Please check them out. But okay? Don't trust them all :-)
Anyway, The Mizuho Securities marsJ-Com's market debut. The minister of the Financial Services Agency comments "It is not wonderful"that an other Securities company bought J-com stock although they knew th at Mizuho made mistakes". That story wouldn't be written in 'a little good stories'. Yeah Nomura, Morgan and Stanley, Nikko Cordial, Lehman Brothers, Credit Suisse First Boston bought J-com stocks and they made big money at the time. Yes, yes, I can imagine easily each broker breaking into a grin and entr eatng "buy buy buy". Mizuho made mistakes but it was also the fault of the Tokyo Stock Exchange system. They admitted that a fault with its systems stopped an attempt to cancel an error with a giant share sale.