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Saturday, January 28, 2006



Of course, the cell DOES have a ensuite bathroom, while at the New Koyo there's a communal bathroom.

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If that's a jail cell, not bad at all, it looks nice and neat, cleaner than my own room haha.. but no thanks, I can't live in there. :) Nice blog you got here, I just stumbled upon it on the web.

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Hi there
I can stay the room without window. I would die if I was locked the small room. I was suffer from the trauma when I see the movie Papillon.


It reminds me of my old bedroom as a kid..It was only slightly larger than that. Maybe 2 feet wider? I remember joking it was smaller than most jail cells. Heh.


Oh, but I would rather stay at something Arakawa and Gins made! I just discovered them and posted a thing on my site at http://www.redruin.com/2006/01/30/death-defying-dwellings/ I love wacky stuff like that. If only it wasn't super expensive =(


Oh no, I can't possibly live in a room that small. I am claustrophobic...


Yikes. That is so small. I guess the claustrophobic need not apply. LOL.


I could do it! P(*_*)V I think. Depends on how close an actual bathroom is...


While I don't know if they go down as low as Y29,000 per month, there are plenty of gaijin houses in Tokyo that would be a lot more interesting to live in that cell-like Hell. One photographer, Yutaka Otsuka, has an interesting collection of photos taken at various gaijin houses throughout Tokyo:



Ooh, I would love to try living in the shocking room, just to see if I could do it. I imagine it would take some mental fortitude. But if you are a person who only comes home to sleep. Why not? Might as well not pay insane amounts right?



That jail cell looks bigger than my room at the New Koyo!

Of course, the cell DOES have a ensuite bathroom, while at the New Koyo there's a communal bathroom.

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