Two animal topics from Japan.
One is this, Hamster, Snake best friends at Tokyo Zoo. That Hamster's name is Gohan chan....he he he. Bad joke.
The other one is a pigeon print found on a window. At the Natural History Museum and Institute in Chiba, they found this pigeon shape on a window. Maybe the pigeon crashed into the window. I read that pigeons have powder on their wings for waterproofing. Since the museum staff did not find any dead birds around there, "he" would have survived. But as far as looking at the photo, I can see a halo like ring. I wonder if he is okay now, maybe he flew to heaven.
Anyway, in Buddhism when someone dies, we dress them in "death clothes". This is a set of death clothes. I heard recently that people try to choose more natural dress, or clothes he liked when he was alive. You can see a small triangle shaped hat that works for the head like an umbrella. So when you watch or see Japanese movie or manga, you might see this. This is a typical old Ghost image for us. If you're interested for this year's Halloween, here is a traditional Japanese ghost costume.
Hi There
I forget the link to the photo of pigeon. Now I fixed it!
Posted by: Mari | Monday, January 23, 2006 at 12:50 PM
LOL on those costumes, those are great! ^_^
I like the pikachu hamster picture as well.
Posted by: Shay | Monday, January 23, 2006 at 01:58 AM
wait I think I figured it out as soon as I looked at the url... an umbrella monster?
Posted by: Claytonain | Monday, January 23, 2006 at 01:57 AM
Hey Mari, is bakemono a bad word in your part of Japan? It is in mine.
Anyways, what's this monster called:
Posted by: Claytonain | Monday, January 23, 2006 at 01:56 AM