They say in the Cannes Film Festival, the Death Note (link1, link2) got many offers from around the world. They say it would be released over 15 countries. In Japane it will release next month. Here is the trailer, please check it out.
The story of the movie is Light and L part. In Original manga, the story continued after the death of L. But finally the original manga "the Death Note" in Shonen Jump has concluded the series in last month. Toshio Okada wrote about it on his blogpetit cre diary. I was impressed as usual with his comments. If you don't want to know please don't read from here.
He said he like this scene, Ryuk said "Never forget, a person who use the death note can't neither heaven nor hell". Light replied "Okay, it means there was no such thing as neither heaven nor hell". Light decided to be the god of a new world." when he got to know a Death Note in his high school days. He did not try to be the greatest power. There is no heaven or hell, so there is no penalty for a crime too. What Light wanted was "penalty for evil, a new world where justices aren't compelled to accept something wrong.
However Light had changed because of the appearence of L. Light wanted to outflank L, he started to give a penalty for peope who act against his will. Actually as you know Light is getting worse. The pure soul which wasn't afraid of being loftiness changed into the loneliness who can trust nobody. The mental strength which dosen't believe heaven or hell switched into the self-partiality that he proclaimed himself "god". Okada said the theme of the Death Note is the only one, the absolute authority absolutely rot. Okada tells the writer of Death note count sin against Light, but he did not deny "the Killer of justice, KILA".
Light died. And the society "neigher heaven nor hell" returened. It's is the real world which L tried to get back from KILA ; no miracle, no penalty for evil. But after his death, some poeple gathered the top of mountain and had a ceremony to bless KILA. Strong, Clean L can't accept an absolute leader, even though he is the hope for people. But most people in this world is not so strong. People needed KILA, people won't forget KILA. (citation in the text of "petit cre diary" by Toshio Okada)
People won't forget KILA, and will keep the ceremony. It means Light can be the the God like he hoped to be. Do you like this ending? At least, it would be better than the 20the Century Boys. Like many people said, before the death of L was the best for me too, I wanted to see Light find L's real name somehow, it was really good battle.
By the way Toshio Okada will have a talking event "Otaku is dead". Hmm I am so interested in that, hopefully he will write it on his blog later.
It's distinct to be drank! The centre has some israeli effect. Top class is one famous visita. A proud woman overheard the member factually. I changed that society upon the role.
Posted by: Retro Jordans | Tuesday, September 07, 2010 at 09:35 AM