Some days ago, I complained how the web translation "English - Japanese" is uselsee. This is an aritcle of news site "the Asahi com". Could you understand what they say? I used babel. I think it is terrible. So I compared each web translation. I picked web from this link.
I used this sentense. "東京都の地下鉄霞ケ関駅でテロ対策として改札口で通行人の顔を識別する「顔認証システム」が行われている。" It meanse, "As an antiterrorism measure, face recognition systems have been installed at ticket wickets in Kasumigaseki Station in Tokyo."
Here is the results of English sites.
The subway haze of the Tokyo with the Seki station identifies the face of the pedestrian the "face certification system" is done at the ticket wicket as a combating terrorism.
I have no idea why some site translate "Kasumigaseki sation" into "haze of the Tokyo with the Seki station"....orz Surprisingly Babel and Google, World Lingo and Systranbox have the same results. Maybe they use the same engine and dictionary.
The results of Japanese sites are more different. At least these may recognize "霞ヶ関" as the name of station "Kasumigaseki".
infoseek, Nifty and Eigo Navi
The "face authentication system" which identifies a passerby's face in a wicket is performed as a measure against terrorism at the subway Kasumigaseki station in Tokyo.
"Face authentication system" to identify passer-by's face as a counter-terrorism with the subway haze Ke barrier station in Tokyo in the ticket gate is done.
Yahoo Japan
"A face recognition system" distinguishing and a face of a passerby as counterterrorism at a wicket at subway haze ケ Seki Station of Tokyo is performed.
The "face recognition system" which identifies a passerby's face as an anti-terrorism measure in a wicket is performed at the subway Kasumigaseki station in Tokyo.
The "face authentication system" which discriminates a passerby's face in a wicket is performed as a measure against terrorism at the subway Kasumigaseki station in Tokyo.
Yakushite Net
I examine tickets at the barrier as counter-terrorism in the underground 霞ケ関 station of City of Tokyo and "face certification system" that distinguishes a face of a passer-by in a mouth is conducted.
My American friend said So-net is the best, and we agreed English sites are the worst. So when you need Japanese-English translation, please use Japanese site :-). *
Related Link
Japanese name translation
RealSpeak Solo
Thank you for your useful suggestion!!!
Posted by: rift platinum | Sunday, April 24, 2011 at 10:06 PM
ses Systrans which is actually made from a French company, so their French to English translations are really good. But I agree with you that Babel is horrible for Japanese translations ;-]
Posted by: runes of magic gold | Sunday, June 20, 2010 at 09:58 PM
Hi Friend This is face recognition system we provide security system and biometric security system.
Posted by: face recognition system | Saturday, April 03, 2010 at 06:50 PM
Interresting article , no easy to have a good tranlator.
Posted by: Louisette | Saturday, June 20, 2009 at 12:31 PM
Posted by: アン | Saturday, July 14, 2007 at 01:31 AM
I wonder if anyone knows who makes these translation engine websites, and if there are any discussions about their quality.
While they do churn out awful gibberish, they are still useful. What I can't understand is why they don't allow suggestions for improvements. For example, in the example, it couldn't be that difficult for the programmers to add something that recognizes place names - after all, there are no other meanings to the kanji compound for Kasumigaseki. So if I want to tell them that (for free) How can I send them a comment?
So-net has a nice function that allows users to input a website link, and the entire page will be translated.
Posted by: Martin | Saturday, May 27, 2006 at 03:03 PM
Excellent translation engines! Thank you so much for the links.
Posted by: bshock | Thursday, May 25, 2006 at 06:03 AM
Brother's Transland ( ) renders it this way:
"The face authentication system" which distinguishes a passer-by's face as a terrorism countermeasure in the subway Kasumigaseki station of Tokyo Metropolis in the ticket gate is being done.
Posted by: Vorteks | Wednesday, May 24, 2006 at 05:30 AM
I use livedoor at work ( - it is the same engine as so-net (amikai), but I think the interface is better.
(My Japanese co-worker likes it, and he speaks both languages well)
Posted by: Confusatron | Wednesday, May 24, 2006 at 04:03 AM
Altavista's Babelfish (and probably those other companies with similar translations) uses Systrans which is actually made from a French company, so their French to English translations are really good. But I agree with you that Babel is horrible for Japanese translations ;-]
Posted by: | Wednesday, May 24, 2006 at 03:41 AM
Thank you for your useful suggestion and... LOL for funny automated translations! :-)
Posted by: Marco Bresciani | Wednesday, May 24, 2006 at 12:16 AM