Look this. The movie has an exaggerating voice-over narration, but the robot itself doesn't look so great. I said to my friend "This robot is not great, he is just walking." Then he replied "You are a pushover, Kiyomori's manner of walking, the way his knee moves is so real. You know all Japanese robot's implementer's interest will be 'who makes the first Gundam.' Ahh I can't wait." Hmm Gundam is a sort of faith in this country. (The robot is named after Tairano Kiyomori)
By the way, I can't reply to each comment but I read them all always. Thanks. Esther gave comments for my question. "Guess what food they are" in this post.
Here is her guess.
Chikuzendaki - very simple grilled chicken dish (the zen aspect) with maybe a white sauce and a duck egg (daki).
Houto - Don't know what's in it but it will arrive at your table unassembled with an instruction sheet (how to).
Mamakari - Defintely a curry dish with an Italian theme (Mama Curry).
Good job Esther! I really love your idea about mamakari!.
Here is what they are.
Chikuzen-daki : Sauteed and simmered chicken and vegetables.
Hoto : It is Yamanashi pref. Speciality that they are noodles that are prepared as a kind of stew.
Mamakari : It is a sardine-like fish, mama means rice, kari means borrow. Since that fish dish is so delicious, we need to borrow cooked rice from next door, that is the origin of the name.
By the way, even though you can't guess foods by the name, you won't be in big trouble (maybe vegetarian people will?), but warning and traffic signs should appeal to your instinct. Could you guess what they mean?
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. is Tokyo Metro. Yes it is M of Metro. It's easy right?
2. is new driver mark that new Japanese drivers must display on their cars for one year after they get license. Conversely this mark means over 70 years old drivers. Both marks are designed to warn other drivers that the marked driver is not very skilled (either due to inexperience or old age).
3. is "other dangers". Other dangers? How can I be careful for that?
4. is Postal office mark in Japan. By the way I did not know this, the USPS mark is designed by Teiji Fujii who is Japanese designer who lives in NY. Good trivia!
Haha, I love the "new driver mark". They really should implement such stickers here in the U.S. as well.
Posted by: DaveC | Saturday, June 24, 2006 at 03:27 PM
Hi, just wanted to say 'hi'!
Just found your interesting blog, and will definitely keep reading it!
Posted by: Anders | Friday, June 23, 2006 at 05:52 AM
Hmmm...that Kiyomori robot does indeed walk like a human...a human with lower back pain. ;o)
Posted by: Esther | Friday, June 23, 2006 at 02:04 AM