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Monday, July 03, 2006


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Wow thats amazing! Cant stop thinking of Chiyo-chan playing football after watching that.

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Wow thats amazing! Cant stop thinking of Chiyo-chan playing football after watching that.

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Wow thats amazing! Cant stop thinking of Chiyo-chan playing football after watching that.

Great blog by the way! You've got a new fan!


Do not click on the download link as the song will NOT download, but it will PLAY at the earphones icon. on the left side of the menu bar

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I made a better link here:


Wow thats amazing! Cant stop thinking of Chiyo-chan playing football after watching that.

Great blog by the way! You've got a new fan!

Danny Bee

thanks for posting that little song, Mari. I do hope it helps Japanese learning. To hear that song, readers should go to the EARPHONES icon below the name "torasan" at the audio website link, and click on the EARPHONES icon. Do not click on the download link as the song will NOT download, but it will PLAY at the earphones icon. on the left side of the menu bar

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