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Wednesday, September 20, 2006


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Kanebo released their new Japanese concept hair care product ...great post..

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Hi Mariko san,

Jus wanna to tell you I enjoyed reading your blog very much.

I’ve tried using Asience & Tsubaki. I agreed with you Tsubaki makes hair moist & I love the scent of Tsubaki very much. As for Asience, I like its conditioner as it makes my hair silky soft. I would like to try using Ichikami but couldn’t get hold of it from the place where I’m staying...........


hi, when staying with my friend in fukuoka for her wedding, she uses tsubaki shampoo which i tried too, i really liked it and brought some home with me, its nearly finished....


Hi there
thank you for your comments. I really love black hair, but I must say it looks heavier than brown hair. So we change our fashion a little bit too because of hair color. Nationalism? yes maybe so. Our complex to western countries will be getting ligther.


I've recently found Naive shampoo at my local "Oriental Market" in Florida. It's mild and moisturizing...and my hair doesn't have a clue.


Some European women dye their hair black too, as part of the "Goth" trend. I think this is the era of all trends. The more crazy some people want their hair, the more natural do others want it. Try clay shampoo from Morocco next, they have it at Loft in Shibuya! At Loft they also have organic brands like Weleda, and "naturkosmetik" by Logona.

How abobut Japan, is volcanic clay from Japan's many volcanos used as hair and body care?


In addition to the reasons for this boom that you cited (empathy, lohas, self-esteem), I wonder if there is a little bit of nationalism to it, too? The political climate leans that way - maybe cosmetics do, too.


Just wanted to tell you that I just found your blog (was searching for stuff on Shiina Ringo), and I'm really enjoying reading about Japan from a native's point of view!

Many thanks! =^^=

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