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Thursday, September 28, 2006



Great tips, I would like to join your blog anyway,


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I've never heard or met of someone who likes water and anything else in their ears... I don't buy it either!!

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Nice post, I would like to request you to one more post about that ****

Keep it up

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People also tend to mix truth and error to teach people, and insist it is wrong.

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What an interesting machine, looks great. In fact a few days back I was looking for it to my husband... But tell me where can I get this???


Does earwax not dry when it meets air? Do you understand how earwax is formed? How can it be produced dry? Do you have any non-Japan (non-nihonjinron) evidence for this stuff? Let's see it.


its okay to like cleaning ears though, my wife loves doing it too ;)

Fried Chicken and Mayo?!? Ewww!


Yea, where'd the stats come from? What if one of them thar balck people married a Japanese? Dry or wet? Are Japanese of a different "race" than Chinese? Hmmmm..nihon(jin)ron stats? Could be because Japan is the only country in the world with 4 seasons....


I wouldn't agree with the Mayo stats, aside from fried potato -- Belgian frites, or 'french fries' are quite nice with mayo.

But on eggs? Rice? Sashimi? .. no!


"I must tell you I am an ear cleaning fetch."

I think you mean:

"I must tell you I have an ear cleaning fetish."


Interesting stats, but what about North American people?

Never tried mayo with fried chicken, seems to me that fried chicken is unhealthy enough without adding mayo....

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