I wrote about the boom in ear ethetic for women. Then the men's ear ethetic opened in Ikebukuro. Ha, ha, ha...their service is another type of healing. Nice looking ladies clean your ears on their knees. We call these "hizamakua" (lap pillow) and "mimikaki" (ear cleaner).
We refer to fake products by the slang term "pachimon." ("Pachi" means "to steal" in the Osaka dialect) I wrote about this crazy pachimon recently. I suppose Mickey Mouse has the most fake items in the world. For a Japanese character, I wonder if it would be Doraemon. Actually, the U.S government has one :-) Or it will be Pikachu. I worte about a Pikachu bike before--- this one is of good quality. But throughout the world,there are many crazy, ugly Pikachus. This is a Pachimon Collection site. Ha those are great. I like this and this from Taiwan. What an ugly...But the worst one will be exactly this. ha ha