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Friday, October 20, 2006


supra shoes vaider

i don't think this animation has aired in other countries. This is a gourmet animation. The main character, Yamaoka, tries to make the ultimate menu.


Hi there
I have never seen canned Spinach. Do you have it in the U.S so that Popye can eat it, right?


Ha! That stone-age meat reminds me of the Flintstones and "bronto ribs."



There was an anime that ended earlier this year, "Yakitate!! Japan," which was all about baking various kinds of bread. This wasn't my usual sort of show, but I enjoyed its silliness anyway. And of course the bread looked delicious, even if the explanations behind it were sometimes questionable (according to my wife, the Cordon Bleu chef).


What about "drops" candy from Hotaru no Haka (Grave of the Fireflies)? My local Y100 shop had some Drops with a pictures of Setsuko on the tin. How this would make people want to buy it, rather than burst into tears, I'm not sure.


Did you get my email? I haven't heard from you since your last email.

For your information: If you don't like the idea, just say so. In america it's rude to ignore someone, and not rude to say you don't like the idea. Especially when you're asked.

Hope you'll email me back this time :P

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