A Maid cafe opened in Canada. That sign is written in Chinese; I suppose the owner (we don't need to see his face though?!) won't be Japanese. The maids are very pretty. Don't you think so?
Black oolong teaBlack oolong tea ranked in "What was big in 2006" and it's food for specified health use[FOSH] (Tokutei Hokenyo Shokuhin in Japanese). A FOSH is any food that is designated by Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to help in disease prevention. Black oolong tea restrains the absorption of fat when you eat and will work for metabolic syndrome. Actually, metabolic syndrome was a big topic this year and was selected one of "top 10 words in 2006"..
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare warned that "Overweight men increasing" Not only did it give a warning, the minister and vice minister started a metabo diary on the Ministry website. They will challenge themselves to lose 5 cm from around their waists. The vice minister pledged himself to "10 minutes walking every day!"...10 minutes only? Well, better than nothing.
This is not a FOSH, but I really want to try "checking masticatory function gum". You can know your chewing power by the gum changing color. Mastication is very important and masticating well works for losing weight too. Eating only soft foods degrades your mastication and leads to aging.
I read somewhere that originally gummy was made for that purpose in Germany -- I mean, to make children chew more, to train their chewing power. This pugmmy will improve your masticatory function and also tongue dexterity (for what?! don't know).
I have found some great loose green tea at www.tealaden.com. They have a good selection of loose tea and wulong or oolong you can buy small amounts to try out.
Posted by: Jerry | Friday, July 27, 2007 at 01:54 AM
I love oolong tea too. it helps to keep my weight. i love the famous wu yi rock oolong tea. but they are very expensive. my favourite would be da hong pao. i bought some from www.teacuppa.com and www.imperialtea.com. prefer teacuppa as price is much cheaper. what oolong tea you like?
Posted by: julie | Wednesday, January 31, 2007 at 07:40 PM
i`m referring to a psychological area :))) B)
Posted by: Misha | Sunday, December 10, 2006 at 05:31 AM
:) i hardly believe i would see an european minister posing like that...mmm, maybe a scandinavian would do it. :) it`s a taboo area
Posted by: Misha | Sunday, December 10, 2006 at 05:29 AM
That place looks creeeepy.
Posted by: Marshdrifter | Friday, December 08, 2006 at 12:50 PM
A Japanese Maid Cafe...in Canada...with Taiwanese and Japanese maids serving Chinese bubble-tea to anime-addled, yellow-fever, white customers.
The owner of the cafe is a Hong Kong Chinese and the place serves HK/Western fusion drinks and food for cosplay/fetish impaired, otaku-wannabes.
Oh, my brain hurts. :-o
Posted by: Taro at news.3yen.com | Thursday, December 07, 2006 at 11:49 PM
Ah lili
woolong and oolong is the same, sorry.
Posted by: Mari | Thursday, December 07, 2006 at 02:48 PM
Hi there
I don't need to see maid cafe boss and minister's big stmachs. Sorry to link to them
Posted by: Mari | Thursday, December 07, 2006 at 02:46 PM
I drove by the Toronto maid cafe the other day coming home from work and It was extremely packed. I could only shake my head in disbelief as I drove by. There's so much other stuff we should be importing from Japan first like Takoyaki and quality ramen.
Posted by: Tyler | Thursday, December 07, 2006 at 12:43 PM
Thanks for the Oolong explantion Mari ;)as said before, I gonna start looking for Black oolong tea, arounf here, since I already have oolong,
In the cafe, The maids are ok, the menu looks good :)
Posted by: lili | Thursday, December 07, 2006 at 08:31 AM
Maids in Akihabara are not cute at all.
but they are surely nice. i would not want to wear the maid dress & play a game with Otaku...
Posted by: Sakurako | Thursday, December 07, 2006 at 03:59 AM
You're right. A Maid Café opened in Toronto recently. The women do look nice and I do agree that we don't really need to see the owner's face... But now I'm scared that region of Toronto will be transformed into Akihabara!
Posted by: 江戸人 | Wednesday, December 06, 2006 at 11:22 PM