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Monday, April 23, 2007



Hi there
Yes Gab, maybe I won't be trouble if I can't write Kanji, but I feel bad I can't write Kanji because of PC, I can't memorize phone number because of cell phone. I feel I am getting stupid everyday.


I wanna eat nikumaki Onigiri!! Sounds so tasty.
As for digital slang, I think all languages would have some of it. Examples in english are ttyl (talk to you later), or lol (laugh out loud), or the ubiqitous wtf (what the fuck). In english, we also have an automatic spelling correction in Microsoft Word, for example. I dont think the internet is corrupting language, but helping it to evolve quickly. I use sites like dictionary.com to look up words I dont know. Digital is fine, it just saves us time. Also, language is always changing and evolving, plus if Japanese are forgeting Kanji, then I can feel more confident in my language. Hehe. 漢字は難しい!書けなくていいでしょう!ケータイ、パソコン等あるからさ。お互いに頑張ろう!


I like Krispy Kreme best. But when I eat it I feel like I am going to die of a heart attack or diabetes soon after.


Haha... "zonu"

In English we say "mystery meat" ;-P

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