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Monday, May 14, 2007



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But in May, some have to feel very unmotivated, lost, hopeless. Because everything is getting slower and back to routine, and some find it is very hard to adapt themselves to the new situation. We call it "Gogatsu Byo" (May sickness). This Japan Times article said "So that we set the Golden week on May," but I feel the Golden week makes things worse. It's hard to return to the routine after the "reset" of a long holiday. I may be in May sickness, I can't wait for the summer holiday now.

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Yes Bshock, it's fetishism!! Fetish for injured. Strange, but fetishism is hard to understand for otheres always.


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I see what you mean about the Mitsumasa Yoshizawa figures from Eva. The faces are quite nice. They seem to have much more detail than the usual anime figures, but not so much as to be unrecognizable.

Speaking of "erotic" references to NGE, I've never been able to understand that particular type of fan response to this series. It seems as though fans find it easy to extract characters from this story and view them as sex objects or heroes or whatever. That's common for shows with isolated episodes where nothing ever seems to happen, but with Eva the story had a very definite progression and each of the characters changed significantly through their own story arcs.

For example, why are so many fans apparently obsessed by Ayanami Rei as a sex object? Certainly the character was a typically attractive anime heroine in the beginning, but soon we see her seriously injured. We find that on various occasions she dies and is replaced by one of her clones. We eventually learn that the original Rei is not just a random girl pulled into the EVA project, but has a very significant relationship to Shinji and his father. I could understand feeling a strange sort of sympathy towards Rei, but attraction? That borders on fetishism, it would seem.


Yatta Mari san! 4g in one week! I told you it was fun, nee? ^___^


I actually enjoy the slow time after Golden Week (but I had to work in Golden Week!)

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