The cat has wings! Wow, but there were some other cats that had wings before. Strange.
As a mask or suit fetish, I like this.
Only Japan? "Pepsi Ice Cucumber" (web translated), it's a cucumber taste Pepsi, of course. I will write about it after the release. Cucumber Pepsi...sounds weird.
Wow!! This is very interesting: "Americans and Japanese Read Faces Differently". Are the windows to the soul the same in the East and West? Cultural differences in using the eyes and mouth as cues to recognize emotions in Japan and the United States." This is article based on this research paper. We have a proverb: "目は口ほどに物を言う." It means "Eyes can speak the same as mouth." There are many similar sayings in Japanese and English though, I can't find a similar one to this. The funny part is my American friends said Japanese talk without any eye contact. Generally speaking, maybe it is true. Some talk without seeing others' eyes, some think fixing eyes on others' eyes is strange. So eye contact and reading eyes will be different issues. And I wonder if this is related to the reason why Japanese manga characters have such big eyes?? Here are the big three of big eyes manga which I picked: "The Rose of Versailles", "Ace o Nerae" and "Glass mask". She looks to be in "a tough" mood, right? See that picture hiding her mouth. Still can you tell she is tough? How about this? Comparing those pictures, the first one has a shining star in her eye, that gives the impression she is in spirit.
I wrote about a royal dog Hachiko. If you are in Japan, you saw him in front of Shibuya Station. The story of Hachi was made into a film in Japan in 1987. Then this September, it will be remade in Hollywood starring Richard Gere.
Hi Dan
You are so right, that is so ture.
Posted by: Mari | Monday, June 04, 2007 at 05:39 PM
Hey Mari!
Why is Regular pepsi so hard to get in Japan?
Everything is 'Lemon Twist' or NEX (diet) and now Cucumber. I just wanna drink regular pepsi. Do you know where I can buy it around Kokubunji?
Posted by: Dan | Thursday, May 31, 2007 at 10:21 AM
Sorry to interfere, but I believe you meant "mouth," not "mouse."
Posted by: Remi | Thursday, May 24, 2007 at 10:37 PM