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Monday, May 21, 2007


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It is really a great visual and soul feat for me after reading you blog.I really enjoys your blog which is different from others. There is no doubt that they really outstanding. WISH YOU SMAIL EVERYDAY!

ugg flip flops

There's something wonderfully silly about the fact that it explains vinegar.


I stack and cram all my things onto surfaces.
Just as messy.
I rarely leave things on the floor because I am tall and hate looking and bending for things on the floor.


yes I think the robot is really cool and I am sorry about his job he he. I can't be relax at messed room, so basically my room is clean, okay I must tell you empty. But I understand some people can be relax surrounded by many things, I mean natural unorganized.


That may be the coolest looking robot I've ever seen. It looks like it could be an evil henchman for Darth Vader.

There's something wonderfully silly about the fact that it explains vinegar.

If I owned that robot, I'd program it to clean the cat fur out of my carpets.


I put my things on the floor, especially my magazines. I haven't *lived* in Japan, but I was travelling there for 3 weeks. You bring up a good point! Hmmm.


Dear Mari, thanks for posting the competition.

BTW, about the messed up room, have to try watching the tv drama called Nodame Cantabile? The main girl has a very messy room. *LOL*

I was looking at the other post last week, about containers and stuff to save storage space, I'd love if you can point to more resources in the future.

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