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Monday, June 25, 2007



Hi there I am puchi puchi addiction too


I'm addicted to bubble wrap. I love Japanese words for sounds- they always have the same word twice, like "puchi puchi".


I gotta have an "Eternity Pouchi Pouchi"!! I am totally addicted to bubble wrap, and one that says "poopee" every 100 hits or so - too funny! ^-^

Hmmm... Independence Day Festival at US Embassy - last week? Independence Day is July 4 - raishu no suiyobi - we eat lots of grilled burgers, hot dogs (taihene desu ne Kobayashi-san kara!)fried chicken, potato chips, BBQ baked beans and potato salad, and drink lots of beer and pop to wash it all down (adds to the fireworks later, ne ;)) on the 4th. Glad you had a chance to experience it a little anyway! ^-^


Thank You for referencing the Sushi Roll machine! I think I will purchase it for my oldest son... You should get a commission from Bandai! (^_^)

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