Hmm, Jesus Car...Talking about a car, this dark mood site is provided by Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A. Inc. It is impossible for me to imagine Toyota group has such a dark mood site in Japan.
Bubble wrap is called air packing, but we call it "puchi puchi," usually because of its popping sound. Kawakami Sangyo is a maker of bubble wrap, and they and a toy maker Bandai will co-release a new toy: "eternity puchi puchi." The toy has a similar touch and the real sound of popping bubble wrap. In real products, you can find a heart-shaped bubble in every 10000. Instead of that, eternity puchi puchi makes strange noises like a sexy voice, poopee, etc. in every 100 times of popping. At 819 yen, I think this is a good gift. I won't buy it myself, but I can help popping if I have it. Bandai will release this Sushi Roll machine too. Basically this is toy for kids, though we can make real sushi rolls. Cheap and looks nice.
He talks about my job area too, an interesting article "Tokyo, Living Lab of Possible Futures" via Wired Japan. My company has a very strict rule for PC use; it is terribly troublesome if I am asked to use PhotoShop on my PC. So I tried to find a good graphic program online. I think Next Image and Snipshot are good. I recommend them.
This is bad news : Takeu "Tsunami" Kobayashi who is expected to win his 7th victory on the Independence Day Nathans Hot Dog contest has Temporomandibular joint disorder joint disorder and can't open his mouth. He lost his mother last March and is resting from his job for a while. I wonder if he can join the contest in this condition; he said he will join for his mother at any rate though. Last Saturday, I went to the the Independence Day festival in the U.S embassy's housing area. It is in the best area in Tokyo near Roppongi Hills. I ate a hamburger and a lot of free Coke and beer. That was interesting.
Hi there I am puchi puchi addiction too
Posted by: Mari | Friday, June 29, 2007 at 01:16 PM
I'm addicted to bubble wrap. I love Japanese words for sounds- they always have the same word twice, like "puchi puchi".
Posted by: Roaf | Tuesday, June 26, 2007 at 08:10 PM
I gotta have an "Eternity Pouchi Pouchi"!! I am totally addicted to bubble wrap, and one that says "poopee" every 100 hits or so - too funny! ^-^
Hmmm... Independence Day Festival at US Embassy - last week? Independence Day is July 4 - raishu no suiyobi - we eat lots of grilled burgers, hot dogs (taihene desu ne Kobayashi-san kara!)fried chicken, potato chips, BBQ baked beans and potato salad, and drink lots of beer and pop to wash it all down (adds to the fireworks later, ne ;)) on the 4th. Glad you had a chance to experience it a little anyway! ^-^
Posted by: Heidi | Tuesday, June 26, 2007 at 07:52 AM
Thank You for referencing the Sushi Roll machine! I think I will purchase it for my oldest son... You should get a commission from Bandai! (^_^)
Posted by: Azim | Tuesday, June 26, 2007 at 04:18 AM