I found this Emotion (kaomoji) yesterday. The left hand is pointing at you like this -> m9(^3^)you! <-funny.
This may be just rumor? Japan McDonalds plans to change its prices by location. (Web translated) In big city areas, the prices will be higher than local areas. Prices will be decided by employment cost and rent. USA McDonalds has a larger menu than Japan of course (what the hell is I am asinan ?), but Japan McDonalds has some unique menu items; now it's Mega Teriyaki (903 kcal, yesh!!!) and McGriddles. And I am not sure the U.S. or other countries have the 0 yen menu item. It's a "smile." In Japan, they show "Smile O yen" on the paper menu and the price board on the wall. You can see it on their official page (lower right). If you order a smile, they give your stuff to you and it will be written on the receipt you get. But does this mean the price of a smile will be up in Tokyo in the future? I don't need a 3 yen smile, it's such cheap stuff anyway.
Sorry to pick this crazy news after the food topic. I wrote before, "National" made a toilet with a target for guys. Japanese bug killer maker "Fumakilla" started a strange ad taking advantage of that guy's instinct. They put ad seals in the bathrooms on Shijuku Stations. (Web translated) When you hit the target, the color of the seal changes and shows a different picture. This is an ad for Fumakilla and works for the station's litter control. Fumakilla has the same type of game on their website as the campaign. Weird....
Anyway, la la la... I am happy that The Japan Times introduced me on their Japan Times Blogroll page. Yes! I will keep looking for and filling up my blog with something light and fun. That is my style.
Hi Mari,
Congrats on making it to Japan Times Blogroll !
Looks like June is a month of achievement (Yamanote line walk) and recognition for u !
I posted the article up at my blog ^-^
Posted by: huangsy | Sunday, June 24, 2007 at 09:28 PM
I've read the Japan Times' article and was encouraged by your challenge. Your point of view is very smart and seems to give useful suggestions not only to overseas readers but also to domestic readers like us.
Actually I am one of the bloggers who write weblogs in broken English to inform the whole world with the opinion not biased by eastern prejudice.
I wish your weblog would last forever.
Posted by: Takashi | Saturday, June 16, 2007 at 04:13 PM
I saw that article and I agree with Adam that it sounded too serious! They forgot to mention your lighter side ;-) Anyway, congratulations!
Posted by: Kieli | Friday, June 15, 2007 at 12:09 PM
Hi there
thank you for nice and kinds words. これからもおバカネタを書き続けますよ。
Posted by: Mari | Friday, June 15, 2007 at 11:39 AM
A 3 Yen smile, haha funny. Congratulations on the review!
Posted by: Martin | Friday, June 15, 2007 at 10:49 AM
Congrats Mari!
Posted by: Gabriel | Friday, June 15, 2007 at 09:50 AM
Congratulations! I think our news services have been reading your blog. There was an announcement regarding Japan's Pepsi Cucumber flavor on the news this morning.
Posted by: Esther | Friday, June 15, 2007 at 05:59 AM
I saw the piece at JT online a day or so ago.
You have very cute eyes, can't tell about the rest of you :)
Thank you for all of you hard work.
Posted by: Randy | Friday, June 15, 2007 at 05:54 AM
Great Mari! :-) Congratulations
Posted by: Marco | Friday, June 15, 2007 at 04:24 AM
What they have written about you, your blog , your interview and your perspective in the Japan Time are fabulous. It can draw more people to visit your blog,and to learn more about Japan in your view. Moreover,your current fans blog also know more about your thoughts.
I have got to check out whether they publish the Zero price of smile on their menu in Thailand or not, I have not gone there since last few months. I guess they create the same marketing promotion everywhere on this planet, because in recent years they do so.
Anyway, do not be too disappointed about Japanese Mac Menu; they serve some nice food which cannot be found in other countries. Yeah, human being never gets enough, you might want some menu they serve in USA, I want some menu they serve in Japan.
Posted by: Sutanai | Friday, June 15, 2007 at 02:17 AM
I've never tried to order a smile at a McDonalds in America, but on the menu it says, "Smiles Free." At least, it did the last time I checked, which was admittedly a while ago. Love the blog!
Posted by: Adam | Friday, June 15, 2007 at 12:33 AM
Although, it was such a serious article in the Japan Times...
Posted by: Chris | Thursday, June 14, 2007 at 11:37 PM