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Wednesday, July 04, 2007



Earthbound わ 私の一番、 Final Fantasy 6 わ 私のにばん。


Hi there, I like Final Fnatasy, but I don't like Dragon Quest. Is this strange?


my number 1 would be final fantasy 7


I think Avril expects that anyone can see it, she just doesn't care.

She is a global pop-star. I don't think she feels any loyalty to Japanese fans. It's her loss, really. I know they really like her.

But the truth of the matter is that Avril will make millions of dollars with or without a few fans in Japan that get angry.

It's sad, but unfortunately true.

Jo Parzych

My favorite video games are Final Fantasy 7 and Monster Rancher (Called Monster Farm in Japan).
And I love your new cell phone, it looks very tropical :)


videogames get boring after a while but my all time favorite one is the first Resident Evil (Biohazard in Japan) game, that game scared the *censored* out of me!...now I prefer board or card games like scrabble, poker or my favorite (even tho I'm still a 初心者 )majong!まりさんの一番好きゲームは?

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