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Friday, July 27, 2007



Thank you for rounding these up. I found some of them at the place from which I rent movies and I'll have to search a little farther afield for the others...it'll be many weeks of nothing but horror films for me!


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Hi there
Oscar if the big news in Japan. Usually we can't have cat in the hospital or such place. So if we can do that, we may find another oscar anywhere. Any cats has such ability


Oscar the Death Cat! I was at a bookstore last night looking at a cat photo book and another customer asked me if Oscar was in there. I asked a couple co-workers today how they'd feel about that cat sitting with a dying loved one. They don't seem to mind. I guess I've just watched/read too much science fiction. Could the cat be a soul stealer...you know, like Hello Kitty?


The news today had a story about Oscar too, I'm so surprised that you have wrote about it! I was about to write about it in my blog, but maybe I'll wait a few days. Do you like horror movies? I find them too horrible, I don't have the stomach for it. Aiieee!

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