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Thursday, August 23, 2007



Come to Enoshima pizza, real NY pizza in Japan! We love you!!


Come to Enoshima pizza, real NY pizza in Japan! We love you!!

Chris Kuan

Yes please Martin - do you deliver? :-)

Martin F

I need pizza... NOW.

My homemade pizza takes about 2 hours to make.

Want to try?


I made a point to order a Domino's pizza while I was in Japan in 2005 - I played it safe and ordered pepperoni and sausage (they didn't have backbacon and pineapple (Hawiian)- my favorite!)

Uffda! Fish eggs and potato on pizza??? No thanks - I'll keep my greasy, meaty, cheesy American pizza pie. I especially like Chicago style deep dish! :)- Can ya get that in Japan?


Japanese, or Asian pizza in general, has always been unique. Some of the ingredients that I have remember were shiso leaves, eggplant, corn, nori and squid ink. (Just to name a few.) When I was in Japan, I remember trying the squid ink pizza. Not too bad aside from turning your mouth black. :o)


I'd think most Japanese would just say Margherita -- that seems to be the most popular pizza here.

Japan has great Italian restaurants. Even Saizeria has much better pizza than Pizza Hut, and the smaller independent restaurants are often good. Japan takes their Italian influences directly from Italy, not via greasy, meaty, cheesy Italian-American cuisine.


This BROG is GOOD!
Thank you for your message!

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