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Thursday, September 06, 2007



Good post.


Ah, the fox-eyed man does look scary !

By the way, there is one more good animation studio on chuo line ! Its Madhouse, and its just next to our building ( sunrise ) in Ogikubo.


Hi Mari!
I'll be in tokyo in November and I'm a real otaku hoping to check out japan pop culture. What anime stuff can we see easily along the Chuo line?


I went on the Kichijoji Anime Wonderland tour in 2002 when it was held for the first time. At that time JTB were the tour operators but not so many people went on the tour. I hope they get more people this time.

I have tickets to the Ghibli Museum (in Mitaka, on the Chuo line after Kichijoji) on Saturday - I hope the typhoon is past by then!


Wow, I'll remember to check JR Chuo when I came there. nakano isn't as famous as Akiba but it's a well know place for anime lovers, like Ikebukuro for "fujoshi".

Yet the best animation studio that otaku love (i love them too) is at Kyoto, it's Kyoto Animation, from far the best animation studio for the moment.

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