I picked cute "Cats talking" before. Today I found "Dogs talking." They seemed to be arguing over which one would eat the bone. Cuuuuuuuuute. Such cute movies--I love to find more and more of them, but this made me so embarrassed. I found another crazy "Zuikiin Taiso" English lesson and exercise clip. Here is another installment: I have a bad case of diarrhea..
Many people catch colds, so I use a mask (this wiki entry is interesting) on the train. I don't like it when someone I don't know gives me a cold. By the way, blowing your nose a lot makes your nose dry and damaged. This year, a nice, super-soft, moisture-rich tissue called "Hana (nose) Celeb" has been selling well. In spite of the stupid name, the texture is good and it won't make your nose dry even if you blow it over 1000 times. Here is their official site; they use MAIKO san for their ads. Strange name, strange ads, but the quality of the product is really good.
When I looked for an image of a mask, I found this site. (I wonder if I picked this before....?) I like the Yakuza mask.
I haven't read this manga yet, but it looks interesting: "Moyashimon."the details in this post. (Thanks!) This is the opening theme for the TV show. I know the world of bacteria is deep. The kitchen has more bacteria than the bathroom. Only touching underwear attaches a huge number of bacteria to your hands, etc. Actually, I stopped reading books about bacteria. The more I know bacteria, the more I have to be nervous. I am nervous enough about dirty stuff already.
Bacteria are very useful in many fields .... but really ruin life when such a cold ... oh god awful but with masks such as those mentioned in this blog are very useful for bacteria make us sick
Posted by: soft cialis | Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 09:47 AM
Sorry, but I just tried to reach some japanese people to give them a german christmas-gift, cause I´ve heard about, you like christmas so much in japan.
sincerely yours,
Herman Pachulke
Posted by: Herman Pachulke | Friday, December 14, 2007 at 08:49 PM
Oh Mari-san! Continue reading moyashimon. In fact, the manga even discusses the good bacteria. :) And most bacteria featured are the bacteria used in making food etc.
Posted by: khursten | Friday, December 14, 2007 at 01:55 PM
I bought one of these designer cold masks if I want to wear a mask ( I dont because I get to hot)
You can see it here:
I think they look cool!
Posted by: gabuchan | Friday, December 14, 2007 at 09:35 AM
I only watched a few minutes of the first episode of "Moyashimon." Agriculture doesn't interest me much, and I didn't see the character speaking with microorganisms. Perhaps I should give this show a second chance.
Posted by: bshock | Friday, December 14, 2007 at 08:35 AM