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Thursday, December 13, 2007


soft cialis

Bacteria are very useful in many fields .... but really ruin life when such a cold ... oh god awful but with masks such as those mentioned in this blog are very useful for bacteria make us sick

Herman Pachulke


Sorry, but I just tried to reach some japanese people to give them a german christmas-gift, cause I´ve heard about, you like christmas so much in japan.
sincerely yours,

Herman Pachulke


Oh Mari-san! Continue reading moyashimon. In fact, the manga even discusses the good bacteria. :) And most bacteria featured are the bacteria used in making food etc.


I bought one of these designer cold masks if I want to wear a mask ( I dont because I get to hot)
You can see it here:
I think they look cool!


I only watched a few minutes of the first episode of "Moyashimon." Agriculture doesn't interest me much, and I didn't see the character speaking with microorganisms. Perhaps I should give this show a second chance.

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