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Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Ajf 4

The sky is clean clouds returns the love of the earth mother!

Jeffrey Stonehouse

My Friend Sidney Morizoff of Vancouver B.C. is interested in a history of your founding family. Please reply. Jeffrey


Hi there,
I had the pudding cup before, but it was too heavy to drink something. I used it as flower vase, but it has gone or I throw away.


When I was a little girl living in Japan I used to eat Japanese pudding like that pictured in the Mozoroff link. When I got older and we moved away, I realized that in the rest of the world, pudding is softer and served in bowls. What the Japanese call pudding is much more like the Spanish "flan" - an egg custard turned upside down on a dish with caramel syrup. I like both Japanese and American pudding but they are actually very different dishes.


That transparent toaster is amazing -- such a clean, simple design. My wife has always collected toasters, and for a while our house was almost filled with them. When she sees this toaster, I think she will be very sad that there isn't a place to buy it yet.

Magpie Jen

Yikes! Those poor kitties in costume! I think if I tried that with my kitty, I'd end up in the hospital :)

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