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Monday, January 21, 2008



Here is the information about the worlds current issues.


Hi there Silent hill?? Yes looks like that game, but I can see only trailer so I don't know the detalis.


Some of it may be junk, but that 600 volume bookshelf could be the answer to my dreams.


Those HDR photos (the neighbourhood ones) reminded me of the video game Silent Hill! T__T But that's really an awesome technique, the photos are amazing. :D


Save your money. Many of the items are junk. The balance chair is not really a good product. American thrift stores are full of discarded ones. The cordless vacuum's suction is probably too weak to be effective. Bose may have good sound but how many people have CDs? The medical pillow is very funny. In the US a popular item is a buckwheat "medical" pillow from Japan. I'm also pretty skeptical of the sewing machine.


Yea, those kids are something else ;-)

Love the HDR photos. They look awesome!


OMG *blush* kids are very forward these days...

As for the hand straps... I still have the free Wiimote straps Nintendo gave out, anybody want to make a DIY version? ^^;

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