Colorful cauliflowers could be healthier for you! Those colors remind me of RENOVA though.
It's destiny. Sweet story "Couple was born, died on the same day".
Alice sent me this news "Marc Jacobs made copy of swedish scirf." Wow, that's too bad.
This escape game "VISION" is really good. It's a Japanese game originally but they have an English version. Try it. Nice graphics, nice story and also a good balance of hints and difficulties. It is good to enjoy on your Friday night with a glass of alcohol. I did it on Wednesday night though. (Mari drinks too much recently orz.)
Finally AKIRA will be made into a film. Ruairi Robinson has been hired to direct and Leonardo DiCaprio will produce the film. I am happy that Hollywood will do it. Talking about Katsuhiro Otomo, do you know Genma Taisen? That was the first movie where I knew Otomo, he designed characters of the movie and I remember I felt the characters were NOT handsome or cute like in older animation. I must saythe movie is not so great.(NSFW) You don't need to see it.
This is the XBOX official site top pages. Left top is the US, center one is India. Which one is the Japanese site???.....orz. Ah, Japan did that.
This is a very old Japanese medical book. The first one is the human body and the next 5 pics were imaginary insects and animals that people thought caused sickness. Ah cute. I like No.4. I will make them my cell phone wallpaper.
Oh no- I don't want to see a Hollywood version of Akira! It won't be good. Hollywood has no original ideas, only remakes and sequels these days.
But maybe if DiCaprio swells up and explodes at the end like Tetsuo, it will be interesting.
Posted by: Chris | Tuesday, February 26, 2008 at 01:33 AM