This is a cute "Aquafresh and tomato ketchup" font.
I wrote about Orita Sensei on my blog before. He was the first president of Daisan High School, which was the predecessor of Kyoto Univ. But his statue was often the target of a vandalism? Finally, the univ removed his statue. But during entrance examination season, Orita Sensei came back in various styles :-). Last year he was POKO chan. This was appropriate because we had the FUJIYA scandal and POKO chan is FUJIYA's mascot character. Two years ago, he became the character Maruko-chan. Three years ago, he appeared as Buddha. And finally, this year he appeared again in this style. Oh! Donburi man from Anpanman. I hope there are more surreal ones next year.
Arte Luise Kunsthotel is a theme hotel in Germany. Each room is designed by a different designer and each has a unique theme. This is "107: Mammels Traum", this has a bit of a scary mood : "106 Endmor ne Berlin". I don"t think I couldn relax here : "411 Standby". This room is called "306 Comic". The description reads: "A characteristic touch is that every corner and angle is outlined with a thin, hand-drawn, black line whether on the ceiling, on the bed, or around a plug. The result is a dollhouse-like, comic book room with papaya green walls, a sunny yellow rug, a lilac bed and a pink cupboard. Graphics and decorations by the artist complete the design." Outlines make things look like a comic? I found a great post on my favorite site Nifty portal z. He draws outlines on everything and he found that outlined faces could be comical and are very similar JOJO's posing. (their strange poses are well known right?) ha ha ha funny...
Две недели назад мы с супругой прекратили ремонт и задумались о заказе новой мебели для спальни, в частности, такого важного предмета мебели как>гардеробная на заказ. подумали о приобретении и осознали, что не имеем возможности дать ответ на все вопросы, которые вызваны таким решением. Без опыта (пусть даже и не своего), как говорится, никуда! пожалуйста, дайте совет! какой выбрать шкаф, и какие показатели надо учесть при подборе? На что стоит ориентироваться, приобретая шкаф в магазине? а, может, его все-таки заказать? и какие комплектующие выбрать? Для меня все эти и прочие вопросы выступают загадкой. кроме этого интересны>шкафы купе. В каких случаях выбор шкафа купе будет куда целесообразнее, чем выбор стандартного шкафа? мы хотим услышать рекомендации людей, которые купили шкаф и могли бы дать хороший совет. Буду весьма благодарен за ваши советы.Спасибо!
Posted by: Snancilm | Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 11:17 AM
Check out "Propeller Island City Lodge" in Berlin, too.
Not so much description in English but the rooms ("Zimmer") are definitely worth a look.
Posted by: blackcattokyo | Friday, February 29, 2008 at 09:42 AM