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Monday, March 24, 2008


Skin Fungus - Index

I like your website, very informative! The fungus problem may be partly solved by using strobe light eg., from a studio flash setup. I have read, but typically lost the URL that the use of strobe light can be used to safely treat food. The light although not apparent to us boils the DNA in the fungus/ mould organism and would of course penetrate camera lenses and probably by reflection any organisms that would be invisible to sunlight or UV. I have also looked at medical sterilisation units- but these are...

Chris Kuan


It's a bit late (I was on holiday) but the ad is a reference to one of the most famous works of erotic art in Japanese history - "The Dream Of The Fisherman's Wife" by Hokusai. Of course it helps the ad that the octopus is a water-dweller, albeit not an insect.

While the Slate article was indeed a little ignorant and vaguely insulting, the actual perversion ("hentai") of Japanese erotic media is pretty well established. I'm not a qualified anything, but it seems to me to be a reaction against real-life constraint and repression.

Ben in LA

Sorry if you've already covered this, but can you explain the octopus tentacles? The commercial reminded me of this article http://www.slate.com/id/2089630/entry/2089646/
which I read a few years ago and found quite shocking. This is from a major American online news magazine affiliated with The Washington Post.

I though the article was rather offensive, and I don't believe that the Japanese are as perverted as the author makes it seem.


Neil Duckett

Love the cute egg hanging off the phone, tooo cute!


Just like it was most common for rice farmers to get a lot of "water insects" on their feet. Athletes are very common to have the same foot fungus, because it is very easily caught by athletes in the shower room. Plus, they are not insects at all, but a fungus - like kinoko!

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